function dvsplay_settings () { // Basic parameters this.width=600; // Player's width this.height = 400; // Player's height including control panel this.backgroundColor="#000000"; // Player's fill color, in RGB format. E.g. "#0000FF" - blue this.controlBackgroundColor="#333333"; // Parameter affecting visibility of controls this.displayMuteButton = true; // Display/hide Mute button. true - display, false - do not display this.displayPlayPauseButton = true; // Display/hide Play/Pause button. true - display, false - do not display this.displayAutoPlayButton = true; // Display/hide AutoPlay button. true - display, false - do not display this.displayFullScreenModeButton = true; this.displayVolumeControl = true; // Display/hide volume control button. true - display, false - do not display this.displayTrackBar = true; // Display/hide control of playback position. true - display, false - do not display this.displayVolumeDigital = true; // Display/hide digital volume control. true - display, false - do not display this.displayVideoLengthDigitals = true; // Display/hide digital control of playback position. true - display, false - do not display // Parameters of the initial state of the player this.startVolume = 0.5; // Initial volume level. Values from 0 (no sound) to 1 (maximum volume) this.startPosition = 0; // Initial position of playback. Values from 0 (the beginning of clip) to 1 (the end of clip) this.muteButtonAtStart = false; // Initial state of Mute button. true – no sound, false – function not activated this.autoRewind = true; // Automatic rewind. true - automatic rewind starts at the end of the clip, the video starts again, false - at the end of video playback stops. this.autoPlay = false; // Auto-play. true - playback starts automatically after the page is loaded, false - playback starts when the button is pressed this.autoSize=false; // setup size of player by video size }